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EMD2024 in Svendborg1

Participation in the European Maritime Day (EMD2024) in Svendborg

GreenMED was inspired to adopt innovative ideas to broaden research efforts and eager to connect with new people to strengthen networking and expand the project’s collaborations by participating in EMD2024 on May 31st, 2024, in Svendborg, Denmark. GreenMED was […]

Pittsburgh students

GreenMED’s engagement with University of Pittsburgh students

CMMI showcased the GreenMED initiative to students from the University of Pittsburgh, on May 10th, 2024, at the CMMI House in Larnaca, Cyprus. The presentation emphasized the project’s objectives to decarbonize the Mediterranean region and established the MSSO acting […]

TRA2024 2

Participation in the Transport Research Arena (TRA 2024) Conference

CMMI participated on April 15th-18th, 2024, at the Transport Research Arena (TRA 2024) conference entitled ‘Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility’ that took place in Dublin, Ireland, and showcased GreenMED at the booth of Waterborne TP.

our ocean 2

Presenting GreenMED at Our Ocean Conference

GreenMED presented its work and vision at the WestMED side event, on April 4th, 2024, within the context of Our Ocean Conference, in Athens, Greece, by joining the discussion regarding green shipping and regional cooperation. It was evident that […]

Aliance4xr kick off

Presenting GreenMED at the Alliance 4XR Kick-Off meeting

CMMI presented the GreenMED project at the Alliance 4XR kick-off meeting, an Erasmus+ European project. During the presentation, CMMI effectively communicated the project’s goals and objectives, which sparked significant interest and engagement among consortium partners. By showcasing GreenMED’s innovative […]


Participation in the Regional Forum for Blue Skills

GreenMED attended the Regional Forum for Blue Skills on December 1st, 2023, organised by the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute, the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes, in Ayia […]