Advisory Board Members

MSSO network and GreenMED Advisory Board

MSSO network will be established based on the foundation of 

  • Advisory Board members
  • Core partners/members for the MSSO
  • Wider network

The MSSO will bring together a diverse range of stakeholders from the industrial and academic sectors within the maritime ecosystem or even maritime enthusiasts. By fostering cooperation among these stakeholders, the MSSO as a decarbonisation hub anticipates the stakeholders to actively

  • Participate in the Advisory Board and /or as a member of the MSSO
  • Participate in project events and workshops
  • Communicate MSSO to relevant network

Advisory Board Members on-board

Leonardo Manzari (Italy), representing WestMED

Apostolos Georgiadis (Greece), representing Angelicoussis Group

Manuel Rodriguez, representing MEDports Association

Beatriz Nieto Calderon (Spain), representing Centro Hidrogeno (CNH2)

Lisa Simon De Grunt, representing World Ocean Council