Participation in the European Maritime Day (EMD2024) in Svendborg

GreenMED was inspired to adopt innovative ideas to broaden research efforts and eager to connect with new people to strengthen networking and expand the project’s collaborations by participating in EMD2024 on May 31st, 2024, in Svendborg, Denmark. GreenMED was very excited to be part of both a pitch session and a workshop, focusing on green shipping and blue careers for a sustainable blue economy, respectively. Prof. Nikolaos P. Ventikos, Eirini-Asimina Stamatopoulou and Manolis Annetis had the chance to present GreenMED’s vision and progress! It was important to acknowledge GreenMED’s profound gratitude to the World Ocean Council, the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA), the National Technical University of Athens, the European Environment Agency, WaterborneTP, SDG4MED, as well as CINEA – the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, and the WestMED initiative for their exceptional support and organisation of the event!

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