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The Project

GreenMED is a regionally-oriented project, aiming to create scenario-based decarbonisation pathways, available to stakeholders as recommendations for policy making and informed investment decision, while facilitating a clean energy transition in the region.

Studies are focusing on both the Mediterranean shipping energy demand and the supply chain capacities.


An overview of MSSO

GreenMED’s main outcome is the establishment of a decarbonisation hub, the Mediterranean Sustainable Shipping Observatory (MSSO), that will consist of various stakeholders from the maritime sector, including international organizations and regulatory bodies, researchers and academics, shipping and shipping-related companies, and technology providers.


Key Objectives

Building the MSSO knowledge base and providing insights to members

Continuous stakeholder support through the MSSO community building

Recommendations and tools for policy-making and informed-investment decisions

Check this out!

If you would like to learn more about the MSSO tool, then take part in this questionnaire. It will take no longer than 2 minutes!

This new green shipping tool will assess promising decarbonisation technologies and generate green corridors for existing fleets, and through this questionnaire you will discover more about its features.
Let’s transform knowledge into action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to achieving EU targets for climate neutrality along the Mediterranean.
For the questionnaire click on the following link:
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Consortium Partners